Spiaggia Libera

fr Projects Artists
Ánima Correa
  • Ánima Correa

Photo © Jonathan Chacón

Photo © Jonathan Chacón

Ánima Correa’s paintings and installations illuminate the intricate infrastructures interlocking image circulation, geopolitical relationships, and psychic space. Her work explores notions of extractive myopia, or the imaginary distance from or blindness towards physical extraction of earth minerals and substances which enable global connectivity and the endurance of colonial legacies. Through a wide-reaching research based practice encompassing optics, divination, pop culture, biophysics, geology and Latin American history, Correa threads together images which evoke the contemporary phantasmagorical experience of seeing, perceiving, and diagnosing.

*Loose Lips Sink Ships*, 2024, oil on linen, 163 x 140 cm. Courtesy the artist & Spiaggia Libera, Paris. © Aurélien Mole

Loose Lips Sink Ships, 2024, oil on linen, 163 x 140 cm. Courtesy the artist & Spiaggia Libera, Paris. © Aurélien Mole

*Sleeper*, 2024, oil paint on linen, 61 x 51 cm. Courtesy the artist & Spiaggia Libera, Paris. © Aurélien Mole

Sleeper, 2024, oil paint on linen, 61 x 51 cm. Courtesy the artist & Spiaggia Libera, Paris. © Aurélien Mole

*Bottomfeeder (Piriwiri)*, 2024, oil on linen, 61 x 51 cm. Courtesy the artist & Spiaggia Libera, Paris. © Aurélien Mole

Bottomfeeder (Piriwiri), 2024, oil on linen, 61 x 51 cm. Courtesy the artist & Spiaggia Libera, Paris. © Aurélien Mole

*Espejito XVII: Bellyache*, 2023, oil and molding paste on linen, 20 x 25 cm. Courtesy the artist & Spiaggia Libera, Paris. © Aurélien Mole

Espejito XVII: Bellyache, 2023, oil and molding paste on linen, 20 x 25 cm. Courtesy the artist & Spiaggia Libera, Paris. © Aurélien Mole

Exhibition view, *Oceans of time*, Chateau Shatto, Los Angeles, 2022.

Exhibition view, Oceans of time, Chateau Shatto, Los Angeles, 2022.

Exhibition view, *Ambergris*, Hunter Shaw Fine Art., Los Angeles, 2023. Photo © Ruben Diaz

Exhibition view, Ambergris, Hunter Shaw Fine Art., Los Angeles, 2023. Photo © Ruben Diaz

*Repeater 01* (close-up), 2023, Pool noodle, foam, acrylic, neoprene, aqua resin, scrap circuit board Mylar sheets, cat 4 and 5 network cables, desiccant and ethanol preserved kelp, zip ties, epoxy resin, pigment, paper pulp, PVA glue, pipe fittings, patina, hardware, wire rope, cargo hooks, dimensions variable. Courtesy the artist. Photo © Ruben Diaz

Repeater 01 (close-up), 2023, Pool noodle, foam, acrylic, neoprene, aqua resin, scrap circuit board Mylar sheets, cat 4 and 5 network cables, desiccant and ethanol preserved kelp, zip ties, epoxy resin, pigment, paper pulp, PVA glue, pipe fittings, patina, hardware, wire rope, cargo hooks, dimensions variable. Courtesy the artist. Photo © Ruben Diaz

*Espejito XIX: Murmurs*, 2023, oil and molding paste on canvas, 20.3 x 25.4 cm. Courtesy the artist. Photo © Ruben Diaz

Espejito XIX: Murmurs, 2023, oil and molding paste on canvas, 20.3 x 25.4 cm. Courtesy the artist. Photo © Ruben Diaz

*Espejito XVI: Pyromantic*, 2023, oil and molding paste on canvas, 20.3 x 25.4 cm. Courtesy the artist. Photo © Ruben Diaz

Espejito XVI: Pyromantic, 2023, oil and molding paste on canvas, 20.3 x 25.4 cm. Courtesy the artist. Photo © Ruben Diaz

*Espejito XVIII: Tres en Raya*, 2023, oil and molding paste on canvas, 20.3 x 25.4 cm. Courtesy the artist. Photo © Ruben Diaz

Espejito XVIII: Tres en Raya, 2023, oil and molding paste on canvas, 20.3 x 25.4 cm. Courtesy the artist. Photo © Ruben Diaz

Ánima Correa lives and works in Los Angeles. She received a BA in Urban Studies from Eugene Lang TheNewSchoolforLiberalArts,NewYork,NY 2014 and a BFA in Fine Arts from Parsons The New School for Design, New York, NY 2013. Correa also attended The Mountain School of Arts in Los Angeles, CA 2021 , and Dark Study 2021. Her work has been exhibited at Chateau Shatto, Los Angeles, CA; HOUSING, New York, NY; Alyssa Davis Gallery, New York, NY; Master Piss Galeria, Lima, Peru; and Court Space, Los Angeles, CA.