Odyssea - Acte II : Le sel de la terre

Spiaggia Libera

fr Projects Artists
Odyssea - Acte II : Le sel de la terre
Odyssea - Acte II : Le sel de la terre
  • Odyssea : Acte II - Nina Boughanim - Michele Gabriele - Brandon Gercara - Laura Gozlan - Samir Laghouati Rashwan - Valentin Vert
  • Marilou Poncin
  • Gaby Sahhar

Odyssea - Acte II : Le sel de la terre

07.09 → 21.09
Laura Gozlan, *Inner chains #7*, 2018, plexiglas pipes, epoxy, ginseng, dried octopus, usb cables, aluminum, batteries, latex tourniquet, iron stand, 130 x 90 x 50 cm. Courtesy the artist & Valeria Cetraro.

Laura Gozlan, Inner chains #7, 2018, plexiglas pipes, epoxy, ginseng, dried octopus, usb cables, aluminum, batteries, latex tourniquet, iron stand, 130 x 90 x 50 cm. Courtesy the artist & Valeria Cetraro.

Valentin Vert, *Naphtex Kerogen (ou les remords de Prométhée)*, 2024, bitumen, stainless steel, argand spout, kerosene, water, 150 x 80 x 80 cm. Courtesy the artist.

Valentin Vert, Naphtex Kerogen (ou les remords de Prométhée), 2024, bitumen, stainless steel, argand spout, kerosene, water, 150 x 80 x 80 cm. Courtesy the artist.

After a phantasmagorical journey from the ocean depths to the surface of the earth, from the mythical fish-woman to a contemporary emancipated figure during the first Marseillaise edition of Odyssea – The Song of the Sirens – a nebulous, post-capitalist world now emerges, inhabited by creatures seeking change. “The Salt of the Earth” thus proposes exploring a different space-time, one that is hard to place in a linear history and resembles a narrative of anticipation. Salt, known for its corrosive and purifying properties, materializes here as piles of charred debris within which the artists’ works unfold.

Now reduced to an underground existence, the remnants of our societies survive beneath these vestiges. Objects from our era scatter the ground, mingling with those from a future that unfolds within the earth’s bowels. The last habitable space, the hollow of the world, shelters the traces of our civilizations. Ex-votos – relics of ancestral rituals whose meanings are now lost – mix with technological tools whose functions elude us. These scattered ruins, containing fragments of a vanished humanity, litter a black rocky ground that invades the gallery space. Visitors are invited to walk across this soot-covered surface, a symbol of a world in ashes, yearning for regeneration.

Marilou Poncin, *Sleepy in a mirror n°2*, 2024, enamelled ceramic, photo printing and resin, 20 x 17 x 5 cm. Courtesy the artist & spiaggia libera, Paris. Photo © Marilou Poncin

Marilou Poncin, Sleepy in a mirror n°2, 2024, enamelled ceramic, photo printing and resin, 20 x 17 x 5 cm. Courtesy the artist & spiaggia libera, Paris. Photo © Marilou Poncin

Marilou Poncin, *Sleepy in a mirror n°3*, 2024, enamelled ceramic, photo printing and resin, 21 x 20 x 7 cm. Courtesy the artist & spiaggia libera, Paris. Photo © Marilou Poncin

Marilou Poncin, Sleepy in a mirror n°3, 2024, enamelled ceramic, photo printing and resin, 21 x 20 x 7 cm. Courtesy the artist & spiaggia libera, Paris. Photo © Marilou Poncin